Kamis, 01 Februari 2018

Patterns of Childcare Arrangements and Cognitive Development (By: Jacqueline Barnes)

Special for this research article, I have understood the quantitative data.. (ciiieeee....)
So the datas said, that there are six patterns of childcare.. That are Continuous Maternal Care, Continuous Home-based Care, Maternal to Centre-based Care, Home to Centre based Care, Continuous Centre-based Care, and Multiple Types of Care. Each type has it's specific caracter. And for the most interested me is the family which is choose Continuous Centre-based Care tendence the rich family and the parents have high education.

And this research article also said, that the most cognitive developer is maternal care which is people always choose to their baby when their baby was born until 18 years.

Futhermore, there is such as model to explain the correlation between maternal stimulation, cognitive ability, and child temprament. Yeah, this model show that prior cognitive ability can give impact for next cognitive ability, but today cognitive ability can not give impact for prior cognitive ability. Than, the maternal stimulation can give impact for the next cognitive ability but not for prior cognitive bility, and the maternal stimulation can give impact for next maternal stimulation and next child temprament. it also happen for child temprament that can give impact for next cognitive ability but not for prior cognitive ability, and can give impact for next maternal stimulation and next child temprament but not for last maternal stimulation or last child temprament.

haha.. that's all.. Thank you.. XOXO

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