Senin, 18 April 2011

Hikmah dari Out Bound

Beberapa hikmah yang mungkin bisa aku ambil dari memandu adik kelas out bound, yakni

Untuk Pemandu
  • Sabar dalam berdakwah
  • Memahami sesama muslim
  • Mengerti sesama muslim
  • Sportif
  • Non blok
  • Teguh pada pendirian
  • Konsisten
  • Harus memiliki kriteria pemenang yang jelas
  • Management yang lebih baik
  • Amanah
  • Sidiq
  • Fatonah
Untuk Peserta
  • Perlu kekompakan
  • Perlu semangat gotong royong
  • Butuh strategi yang jitu
  • Talk less do more
  • Perlu kesabaran
  • Butuh ingatan yang kuat
  • Saling percaya
  • Saling memahami
  • Saling mengerti
  • Hemat waktu
  • Amanah
  • Sidiq
  • Fatonah
I think it's enough,, See You.,

Selasa, 05 April 2011

What Ever..

I had lost my street, when I went to some village to joined meeting.. I went to go to Kebangsaan village with my friends because I didn’t know where it is.. But my friends rode their motor cycle so fast and I was left by them. It is so silent, cold, and exotic,… I was alone in some place where I didn’t know… Just kept believe that Allah always in my side. And here I was understanding, I just could take my believe of You.