Senin, 18 Maret 2019

#Review #Film #2 ##2019 #CaptainMarvel

Many persons watch this movie.. So do we.. My husband and me has opinion this movie funnier than Deadpool.. And I love carol grunge style, this style remind my style in senior high school.. Haha.. Actually at that moment I didn't aware with my style genre but my Karate Trainer said that my style categorized grunge style.. Up to you sir.. At least, I really enjoy with grunge style..

In this movie many sections that makes surprise and this section that makes this movie funny.. For example, can you imagine an horor actor can be polite with other people? In this movie happen.. When the aliens beg someones pardon.. And can you imagine, a grandma can do karate? Hahaha.. In this movie happen, when Carol hit the grandma face.. hahaha.. I hope I can do too.. And can you imagine a cute cat can be change a monster? Haha.. In this movie happen.. And the bug surprise is your anemy is your friend, but you friend is your anemy.. Yah, it is really cool movie.. Not like ussual movie.. And in the end the scary anemy can do awkward action.. haha..

Yeah, I think from this movie we can learn to be who we are.. Remember from where we are come from and be ourself.. Never forget our history..

And thank you Daddy Sandi.. For buy our baby bottle of Corel..

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