Sabtu, 01 Juli 2017

When I think about tomorrow..

I just wanna be like my mom, who can handles everything by herself, even my grandparents or anysibling didn't help her..
Yeah, my mom never asks me to help her for cook, washing, or anything else..
She can do anythig perfectly without some helper.. Many sertivicates she have got.. And because of all of this, she have many houses in many cities.. Masya Allah..
I love my Mom..
Everyday before she goes to work, she always cooks for her family.. She teaches her family to life healthy.. She saldom buying food for her family.. She is beautiful eventhough there is no make up on her face..
I really wanna be like her..
So tonight I try to cook by my own two hands.. Like my mom always do..

This is pancake and telur balado.. I hope, when I have childern they can proud of me.. Like I proud of my mother.. Aamiin.

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