Selasa, 27 Desember 2016
Orang Genius
Ketika lingkungan mendesak mu hingga tak ada cela.. Just beliefe to keep your struggle.. Brliefe with your hearth.. No one can stop you.. There is Allah.. There is Allah.. There is Allah will Pay all your Pain.. And remember your opposition life just about 60 years.. Everything can be change and it is commonly.. just do what to do now..
Senin, 26 Desember 2016
Yok Semangat
[26/12 17:12] Sandi: Emangnya hope beneran sayang aku?
[26/12 17:25] Gaiety: Iya.. aku berusaha bantu Mas Sandi besar.. Aku tahu dulu Mas Sandi uda berkorban gede banget buat aku.. Aku mau gantian bantu Mas Sandi..
[26/12 17:27] Sandi: Emangnya aku berkorban apaan? 🙄🙄🙄
[26/12 17:28] Gaiety: Wira-wiri nyamperin aku..
[26/12 17:29] Sandi: Kwi mah emg karena aku gaada kerjaan owg 🙄🙄🙄
[26/12 17:30] Gaiety: Haha.. tapi sekarang aku hargai.. meski menurut mu bukan apa2..
[26/12 17:30] Sandi: Whuuuuu
[26/12 17:31] Gaiety: Hehe.. aku jahat banget ..
[26/12 17:32] Gaiety: Makasi.. makasi..
[26/12 17:32] Sandi: Sayang hope 🤗🤗🤗
[26/12 17:32] Gaiety: Bersyukur banget sekarang uda banyak kesibukan jadi ngga kaya dulu lagi.. 🤗🤗🤗
[26/12 17:25] Gaiety: Iya.. aku berusaha bantu Mas Sandi besar.. Aku tahu dulu Mas Sandi uda berkorban gede banget buat aku.. Aku mau gantian bantu Mas Sandi..
[26/12 17:27] Sandi: Emangnya aku berkorban apaan? 🙄🙄🙄
[26/12 17:28] Gaiety: Wira-wiri nyamperin aku..
[26/12 17:29] Sandi: Kwi mah emg karena aku gaada kerjaan owg 🙄🙄🙄
[26/12 17:30] Gaiety: Haha.. tapi sekarang aku hargai.. meski menurut mu bukan apa2..
[26/12 17:30] Sandi: Whuuuuu
[26/12 17:31] Gaiety: Hehe.. aku jahat banget ..
[26/12 17:32] Gaiety: Makasi.. makasi..
[26/12 17:32] Sandi: Sayang hope 🤗🤗🤗
[26/12 17:32] Gaiety: Bersyukur banget sekarang uda banyak kesibukan jadi ngga kaya dulu lagi.. 🤗🤗🤗
Kamis, 22 Desember 2016
Karena Syari Letaknya di Awal, Tengah, dan Akhir.. #Belajar
[23/12 08:29] Sandi: Hope harus percaya diri bahwa hope punya kelebihan yang membuat aku selalu cinta hope walaupun di sekitarku ada jutaan wanita..
[23/12 08:31] Gaiety: Kamu kenapa kepikiran gitu?
[23/12 08:36] Gaiety: Ngga.. aku ngga pernah berharap dicintai.. setiap aku marah sama kamu bahkan sama semua orang itu karena aku ngga sesuai sama sikap mereka.. Kalau sikap kamu sesuai dengan aku pun aku ngga berharap cinta.. aku cuma berharap kebaikan untuk semua.. paham ngga? Ya meski ada sedikit cemburu.. tapi kalau itu bukan kamu pun aku bakal kesel bedanya kalau bukan kamu aku cuma menghindar pergi tp kalau kamu langsung aku sentak di tempat..
[23/12 08:31] Gaiety: Kamu kenapa kepikiran gitu?
[23/12 08:36] Gaiety: Ngga.. aku ngga pernah berharap dicintai.. setiap aku marah sama kamu bahkan sama semua orang itu karena aku ngga sesuai sama sikap mereka.. Kalau sikap kamu sesuai dengan aku pun aku ngga berharap cinta.. aku cuma berharap kebaikan untuk semua.. paham ngga? Ya meski ada sedikit cemburu.. tapi kalau itu bukan kamu pun aku bakal kesel bedanya kalau bukan kamu aku cuma menghindar pergi tp kalau kamu langsung aku sentak di tempat..
Selasa, 20 Desember 2016
Be Mature
Assalamu'alaikum My Future..
I know it is hard to be mature.. But I'll struggle just for you..
I know it is hard to be mature.. But I'll struggle just for you..
Jumat, 16 Desember 2016
Alone.. One.. O..
Assalamu'alaikum My future.. How are you? I hope you are happy there at least, you still have time to read my story.. Today I just wanna say.. I'm alone and only candle that accompanies me.. It's fine.. I wanna show you that strugle alone is beautiful.. Strugle alone is real.. Struggle alone is exist.. And if you struggle alone, beliaef me that you are not alone.. Many people in this world are the same with us.. They are struggling alone too even in the sam time but in defference place, like us.. Love you my future..
I don't know my imagine you are still so far from me..
I just wanna meet you soon..
I don't know my imagine you are still so far from me..
I just wanna meet you soon..
Rabu, 14 Desember 2016
Remember Transcendental
Assalamu'alaikum my future.. How are you? do you still wait me? If you are too long for me.. I'll use my transcedental power to catch you.. Anyway.. This is special for you..
Selasa, 13 Desember 2016
Senin, 12 Desember 2016
My friend's status
Good afternoon my future.. I have seen my friend's status.. He said that he will jomblo until halal.. Hikz.. I don't know.. That make me sad for my past.. My future...... I beg your pardon..I regret what I did in the past.. I know I'm wrong.. And wanna do the same with my friend.. jomblo until halal.. now I know what Anggia felt..
Minggu, 11 Desember 2016
Mandiri.. Diri.. Iri.. I..
Tuh kan my future.. Tante yang hobi traveling aja gumun eike bisa hidup di rumah ini sendirian.. Sampai ngasih contoh ke adek sepupu.. Tuh Mbak Gaiety mandiri.. haha.. iya Agit n Virgi kudu mandi sendiri.. haha.. Aku harap besok My Future lebih mandiri dari aku.. Buat bahagiain aku.. Aamiin.
Anyway My Future.. Sepupu yang dulu kita ngumpul cuma untuk main petak umpet sekarang uda bisa diajak ngobrol bisnis itu lucu ya.. Mana pakai bisa ngasih masukan n saran pula.. Padahal ngga ada pemantik juga..
Semoga besok anak kita bisa solutif juga ya.. Aamiin.
Anyway My Future.. Sepupu yang dulu kita ngumpul cuma untuk main petak umpet sekarang uda bisa diajak ngobrol bisnis itu lucu ya.. Mana pakai bisa ngasih masukan n saran pula.. Padahal ngga ada pemantik juga..
Semoga besok anak kita bisa solutif juga ya.. Aamiin.
New Job for People
Assalamu'alaikum my future.. Alhamdulillah today we still can share together.. Anyway, what kind of person you are.. Are you economic? Or enterpreneur? But what ever you are I don't care.. Because I belief you can give solution for me.. Yah because you are my everything and no one can change you in my life.. So, this is my confusion.. I got many request for private driver and you know I want keep my hijab to a boy.. therefor, I have idea to make like applycation to search driver.. yah the applycation is like gojek.. what is your opinion about my idea? Really? You agree with me.. Oo I love you so much.. Then, please tell me if you can help me to make that application.. Thank you my future.. I hope your business will be success too.. Muachh.. Muaahhh.. Muaaaahhhhh..
Sabtu, 10 Desember 2016
Week End
Assalamu'alaikum My future.. What are you doing now? Recite Al Quran as usual? Oo.. I love you so much.. May Allah always keep our memory in Al Quran.. Aamiin. After this I'll do the same with you.. But now I wanna tell you what happened in me two hours ago.. Actually last time my friend come to @gaietyflat_id.. And Alhamdulillah only the girls that come.. Actually many boy wanna join but I can manage them.. So I just let the girl one who can visit @gaietyflat_id.. Oohh I love this condition my future.. so here is my cute friend ..
Yah, last time we discuss about our target.. Please pray for me.. I hope I can istiqomah to keep my hijab with a boy until I meet you..
Success for me and my future.. inshaa Allah.. Aamiin.
Yah, last time we discuss about our target.. Please pray for me.. I hope I can istiqomah to keep my hijab with a boy until I meet you..
Success for me and my future.. inshaa Allah.. Aamiin.
Jumat, 09 Desember 2016
When We are Deference
Assalamu'alaikum my future.. So sorry tonight I'm not alone as usual.. So we are in different condition.. It is because I got clients in @gaietyflat_id.. But it is fine.. I still here.. to lisent your story.. anyway, I have something special for you.. Close you eyes first..
I hope your face very beautiful.. Because I have a hard struggle for you.. Aamiin.
I hope your face very beautiful.. Because I have a hard struggle for you.. Aamiin.
Kamis, 08 Desember 2016
no one else
Hayy my future what are you doing? Alone again? Just the same with me.. No problem.. come on discus with me.. no.. no.. don't cry.. just do your work.. or talking with me.. khey.. beliefe me.. we will meet soon.. life together.. and no one can sparate us.. please don't cry.. it is just a moment.. khey.. be honest.. I love you.. focus on your study, focus on your hafidz program, and focus on your bussiness.. If some of them get trouble.. Don't worry.. Belief to Allah have received your strugle.. keep your health.. eat much.. Don't make your Mom worry to you.. (((((((((my future)))))))))))
Alright.. there is a moment we will cry.. especially when we long distance with our family.. At least we still can talk each other.. even thought...
Alright.. there is a moment we will cry.. especially when we long distance with our family.. At least we still can talk each other.. even thought...
Rabu, 07 Desember 2016
A: Mbaknya di sini sendiri?
G: Iya
A: Ngga takut ya..
G: (Preman aja takut sama saya) *cuma diem
B: Berarti Mbaknya sendirian di sini?
G: Iya
B: Berani ya Mbaknya..
G: (Emang apa yang harus dikautkan dari kesendirian?) *cuma diem
Iki do pingin muji tok? Mbok nginep opo ngekos..
G: Iya
A: Ngga takut ya..
G: (Preman aja takut sama saya) *cuma diem
B: Berarti Mbaknya sendirian di sini?
G: Iya
B: Berani ya Mbaknya..
G: (Emang apa yang harus dikautkan dari kesendirian?) *cuma diem
Iki do pingin muji tok? Mbok nginep opo ngekos..
Selasa, 06 Desember 2016
Whispers in My Hearts
Gilak cewek tuh gitu ya.,. Kalau lagi seneng bisa ketemu sama cowok yang disukai sampai foto-foto segala.. Ngga lupa untuk nge-show up fotonya juga di IG atau kalau lagi jalan berdua ketawanya digede-gedein atau kalu lagi ngobrolin sesuatu suaranya dikeras-kerasin dan ngga selesai-selesai.. right.. Bye..
I don't know what kind of face you are.. But, I just can strugle for you today.. Yupp, strugle alone without anyone else.. I just want you know I keep my hijab with a boy.. But I don't know it is because my past experience or because of you or I think the right one is because of Allah.. But today I need your pray.. And I hope your pray can make beautiful my step to come to you.. And I know you will pray for me always.. Because you are never touch or make some joke with another girl except me.. You just recite Al Quran on your dormitory.. Ahh I love you so much.. Can't wait meet you..
Senin, 05 Desember 2016
Poet for My Future
Choose the meaning first, no the image one..
Image has high score isn't absoulute for high meaning..
But if meaning has high score is absoulute for high image..
Then when image has low score doesn't give impact for meaning..
But when meaning has low score will be effective for image..
I hope we can be genious and control our emission. Love You..
Image has high score isn't absoulute for high meaning..
But if meaning has high score is absoulute for high image..
Then when image has low score doesn't give impact for meaning..
But when meaning has low score will be effective for image..
I hope we can be genious and control our emission. Love You..
Assalamu'alaikum my future.. Whatvare you doing there? Here, I just focus with my 20 project.. Please pray for me.. I hope there your study, hafidz, and bussinness are successful. Anyway I wanna talk about syukur.. I really be greatful because today still alive.. today I still eating.. and also still say salam for you.. You know, I just remind about my past.. Acctually I have aver fought with a man.. no.. it's not karate.. it is real fought.. But don't worry Allah still keep me.. Alhamdulillah.. I wanna tell you about the reason of this disaster happened.. Actually at that moment I just wanna share about my opinion about a man who divorce with his wife.. may be because the man that I talk about is his ex-girl's father so he angry.. until now I still think like that so he slap with the flat of the hand me.. It the begining of our fighting.. Actually I want not to respon him.. But suddenly I remember about my friend said when her students report they have hit by their friend.. My friend said don't cry.. that don't give solution and meaning.. Just reply them.. because you have the right.. than I remember again about #Qisos.. After that I hit the man who slap with the flat of the hand me.. Therefor I hope you are not like him.. I wanna you become gentlemen.. for our future.. for our next generation.. Aamiin. Sorry for my past.
Minggu, 04 Desember 2016
Keyakinan Ku Doa Orang Sakit Terkabul
Gusti Pangeran.. kula namung saged nyuwun kaliyan Panjenengan.. Nyuwun ingkang badhe ngontrak niku diparingi papan ingkang luwih pas tinimbang papan kula.. Gusti Pangeran saestu kula nyuwun sanget.. Aamiin Ya Rabbal'alamin.
Sakit Hati
Ya Allah Ya Rahman Ya Rahim nyuwun pangampunten ipun.. Kula mboten purun.. Kula gerah Ya Allah.. Kula nyuwun sanget batal.. Aamiin.
Mendalam.. Dalam.. Alam.. Lam.. La.. A..
Assalamu'alaikum my future.. Sorry for my fake today.. I hope you always fine anywhere and anytime.. Aamiin. Actually I wanna tell you about my next project but before that I wanna introduce my friend..
Wait.. let me laugh first.. ahahaha.. I has "mature" friend.. haha.. His name is Mr. Sunyoto.. From he, I found who I am.. He is genius, funny and has high IMAN.. Yeah, before he leave us.. He always pray first.. And Alhamdulillah, I can borrowed my prayer rug to him.. It is an honor for me.. And you know after my prayer rug was used by him the smell is ointment.. Wait I want laugh again.. ahaha..
From him I learn about ikhlas.. From him I learn about iman.. Yah, what metter what.. What metter where.. What metter when.. Just Takwa.. and tawakal for tomorrow..
The one of touched is when he shake my hand and clap my shoulder.. I don't know I just get such as meaning that he wants said, "I believe you can.." Oooo.. Masya Allah.. I'm flying.. sorry lebay.. haha..
Anyway.. about imagine.. I have ever had imagining young Sunyoto .. ahaha.. Is he the same genius, funny, and has high iman like today? Sorry Sir, if I'm not polite.. hehe.. But my imagine is better then my friend imagine.. They ever imagine Mr. Sunyoto ride Jeep with black glasses.. ahaha.. Yak.. I think its enough my future.. I hope we can be better then Mr. Sunyoto's genius, funny, and iman.. Aamiin.
Wait.. let me laugh first.. ahahaha.. I has "mature" friend.. haha.. His name is Mr. Sunyoto.. From he, I found who I am.. He is genius, funny and has high IMAN.. Yeah, before he leave us.. He always pray first.. And Alhamdulillah, I can borrowed my prayer rug to him.. It is an honor for me.. And you know after my prayer rug was used by him the smell is ointment.. Wait I want laugh again.. ahaha..
From him I learn about ikhlas.. From him I learn about iman.. Yah, what metter what.. What metter where.. What metter when.. Just Takwa.. and tawakal for tomorrow..
The one of touched is when he shake my hand and clap my shoulder.. I don't know I just get such as meaning that he wants said, "I believe you can.." Oooo.. Masya Allah.. I'm flying.. sorry lebay.. haha..
Anyway.. about imagine.. I have ever had imagining young Sunyoto .. ahaha.. Is he the same genius, funny, and has high iman like today? Sorry Sir, if I'm not polite.. hehe.. But my imagine is better then my friend imagine.. They ever imagine Mr. Sunyoto ride Jeep with black glasses.. ahaha.. Yak.. I think its enough my future.. I hope we can be better then Mr. Sunyoto's genius, funny, and iman.. Aamiin.
Jumat, 02 Desember 2016
Cukup Masa Depan yang Memanggil "Ummu"
[02/12 21:03] Gaiety: Sudah saya kirim.. oiya ini dgn siapa ya?
[02/12 21:19] SPagintara: Iya kak, saya Agintara
[02/12 21:21] Gaiety: Oo yg Agintara.. sip.. sip..
[02/12 21:21] SPagintara: Iya mbak, maaf ya dari kmren malah panggil mas
[02/12 21:22] Gaiety: Iya nyante aja.. emang sering dikira Mas-Mas.. haha..
[02/12 21:23] SPagintara: Iya mbak, maaf ya
[02/12 21:23] Gaiety: Sip.. gpp..
[02/12 21:19] SPagintara: Iya kak, saya Agintara
[02/12 21:21] Gaiety: Oo yg Agintara.. sip.. sip..
[02/12 21:21] SPagintara: Iya mbak, maaf ya dari kmren malah panggil mas
[02/12 21:22] Gaiety: Iya nyante aja.. emang sering dikira Mas-Mas.. haha..
[02/12 21:23] SPagintara: Iya mbak, maaf ya
[02/12 21:23] Gaiety: Sip.. gpp..
That's Smart Girl
Tenang Gai.. Sekanten itu ngga lebih indah dari jalan dengan masa depan mu.. Sabaran dikit ya.. huhu.. Tapi ini momennya tepat banget.. Ingat perjuangan masa depan mu untuk fokus ke kamu.. Apa balasan mu? Pastikan besok akan lebih tepat dari momen sekaten ini.. ya.. siap..
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